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Tenda IP COM IUAP-AC-M AC1200 Wave2 1xGE LAN Access Point

Access point IP COM IUAP-AC-M AC1200 Wave2 1xGE LAN. iUAP-AC-M is a dual-band gigabit access point with a total data rate of up to 1167 Mbps. The device is equipped with two omnidirectional antennas with a high gain, and is able to provide a maximum coverage radius of 200 meters. iUAP-AC-M supports mounting on a support and wall, is located in the middle of the room, as well as outside. The iUAP-AC-M can meet different requirements by connecting antennas of different specifications to standard RP-SMA connectors. The device is equipped with IP65 protection and can be used externally to deploy wireless networks in factories, warehouses and other outdoor areas.
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